Data structures and algorithms in java
How to design better algorithms? This is one of the basic questions that haunt every programmer. Even software designers want better algorithms . But how do we say that one algorithm is better than the other? Is it not sufficient that the work is done, and the problem is solved? Not always. Suppose I can solve the problem in 5 years and somebody else comes with a solution in 5 minutes, whom will you prefer? It is not a question of fast computers, but fast algorithms. Data structures and algorithms in java The fastness of an algorithm is measured in terms of its complexity. An algorithm with logarithmic time complexity is considered better than an algorithm with polynomial time complexity and so on. We will not dwell in the forests of complexity here, may be in another article. Here the point is, for designing better algorithms, powerful data structures are needed. They organize the data in optimal ways and allow access to this data in easy wa...